Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Party Time!!

Here are a few pictures (late ones) from a couple of weeks ago, when we celebrated Carly Sue's Birthday! It was extra special because Elly was able to join us and we always like it when that happens.

We made party hats. Here Evan is gluing a few of the left over bats onto his hat.

Carly Sue opted for hearts and flowers to glue onto her hat.
Elly also went with a heart and flower theme.

Caraline's hat had a really cool 3D effect.

Lucy took a break from gluing to give me a smile. Thanks, Lucy!

Elly's finished party hat!

Carly Sue trying out her party horn.

Sienna looking so cute in her hat.

Caraline picked a gold horn. They were a little tricky to blow but she got the hang of it.

Waiting for the cupcakes!

Carly Sue blew out all 4 candles, while her friends sang.

Of course she picked pink!!!

Sienna went with blue and I think it's a hit!


Evan asked for extra sprinkles! Who could blame him?

I think Lucy likes her yellow cupcake.

Carly Sue still talks about her birthday party and sharing it with her friends. Thanks!!


  1. Looks like everyone had a great time:) I love all of the arts and crafts you guys do!

  2. Thanks so much! We do love a good party...always fun.
