Wednesday, September 28, 2011

More Fall

We went for a walk in between the rain showers. We found a tree with really big leaves. We found a few that were not too soggy and brought them back to the house. We decided to paint them and they turned out great. We are going to go back in a few days and get a few more. We are also going to check and see if they are different colors than the ones we got at the beginning of the week.

Lucy almost didn't paint a leaf. She was very busy with the doctor equipment and taking care of a sick teddy bear. But, she changed her mind and decided to paint. I'm glad!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Yellow Leaves are Falling Down...Falling Down...Falling Down!

We went outside and gathered some of the yellow leaves that are falling from a tree near the sandbox. We have been observing the leaves in the tree as only a few turned yellow.  Then the tree was full of yellow leaves. Then...they were all over the ground. They had started to fall. They are such a pretty shade of yellow and the leaves were soooo soft. They make a beautiful fall picture.

F is for FALL

With our fall theme, one of the letter recognition activities we did was "F" is for fall. We tried to see which colors we could mix together that would give us fall colors for painting our letter.

Carmine is experimenting with green, yellow and red.

Lucy chose yellow and orange.

Caraline mixed orange and red.

Evan noticed that the red and yellow looked like ketchup and mustard. Here he is using green and red.


Carly Sue went with green and red, too. Don't worry...In true Carly style, she mixed every other color on the table and came out with a very fall brown.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

C is for Carly Sue and Caraline

Building Together

This morning, Caraline and Carly Sue decided to build with the Mega Blocks. The built a tower onto the fire truck.

They worked together to roll it around. Carly Sue held onto the tower while Caraline pushed the truck.

Carmine wasn't here on Monday when we broke out the new construction and fire truck.  We were very excited to show him when he came on Wednesday. He gave them his seal of approval.

Evan really enjoyed driving trucks around with Carmine.

Lots of Smiles

These friends are sooooo cute!

I asked this group of friends what they were doing and Evan said, "Waiting for the bus".

These friends started singing the cleanup song, all on their own and worked together until the job was done. If you think their smiles are big, you should have seen mine. Great job friends!!


Carly Sue is using a Q-Tip to put glue on her acorn.
We covered our acorn and it's hat with small squares in fall colors.

Lucy did a great job covering her picture with glue and then dropped the squares from up above and watching where they landed. She thought it was pretty funny and we were all laughing.

Caraline was very precise about where she placed her glue and she did a really good job making sure that each square was glued down really well. She also liked watching the glue slowly drip from her

Evan put on a few squares and then he decided to go play with the new fire truck while it was available.

Fall Leaf Wreaths

Lucy came late on the day that we made wreaths. I saved leafs for her and she did hers that afternoon. I am not sure why I didn't take pictures of the others, when we made them in the morning. I think it was because we were having such a great conversation about fall and what happens to the leaves during this season. I hope you all enjoyed finding the perfect spot to hang your leaf wreath.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Backyard Fun

With all of the mosquitos this summer, we have been avoiding the backyard. Well, we are happy to say that with the weather cooling off, no more mosquitos. We spent a lovely afternoon in the backyard on Friday and it was FUN!

Carly Sue's super soccer kick.

Lucy checking behind her before backing out.

Caraline on the Diego bike.

Everyone bringing their bikes to the tree to park them.

Caraline gave Evan a push. (She asked first and he said, "Yes!").

Caraline using the mower.

Our new friend Sienna.

Carly Sue giving the mower a shot.

Two new friends catching up after a bike ride.